Thursday, February 28, 2013

Demon Wind

Remember how bad the 1990s were to the world of horror movies? Horrific! Oh sure, there were a few diamonds in the rough (Dead Alive, From Dusk till Dawn, um... Ghoulies IV), but overall the decade served up some really deplorable junk onto many a horror fiend's plate. However, early on there were several flicks which still had a good bit of the old 80s charm to them. Movies that weren't pretentious, didn't talk down to horror fans, didn't force you to think too much, and just wanted to show you a good time. Let's talk about one, shall we?

Demon Wind is a low budget creepfest from the very early 1990s which is surprisingly well made, for the most part.

It deals with a guy named Corey who is seeking out his mysterious ancestral past. Before he was born, Corey's father and several other family members met with horrible fates in an old farmhouse where they lived. Now, guided by visions and a burning curiosity, Corey decides to go to the abandoned farm along with a pack of friends to investigate. Upon arrival, a creepy old man (yup, big surprise), who says that he was a witness to very gruesome happenings at the old farmhouse, tells them that the place is cursed and that the Devil himself is said to possess the land. The old man advises turning back and forgetting the whole thing, but Corey insists that his fate lies within the old house.

Of course, things get bad from there onward. Without spoiling too much, they encounter demon hordes, magic spells, phantom fog, and a lot of them die very horrible deaths. And that's just the tip of the teepee really, all kinds of cool shit happens. One of them gets turned into a burned up doll by three evil-ass little ghost girls. There's a skeleton with a cow skull for a head that shoots a mean long tongue out its mouth. And the head demon is one big badass futher mucker with cloven hooves and a face like he's been through the meat grinder.

The movie's atmosphere is very dark and chilling, especially the first half. The music contributes to the mood a lot. From the haunting Christian song in the beginning to the intense synth bass score. Also, the make-up and gore effects are really great and bring to mind movies like Night of the Demons and The Evil Dead.

The film is not without its flaws, though. The visual camera effects are really cheap and schlocky. The script is pretty stupid at times, more so in the second half. Some of the acting is very shitty, but I can always live with that, although the creepy old guy hams it up like nobody's business (best character in the movie, in my opinion). And there are plot holes aplenty, not to mention what was probably a last minute change to the shooting script. This couple joins the movie more than half way through in an embarrassingly obvious attempt to pad out the body count. But hey, most of this shit is what made this flick a little more memorable.

I had a great time with it. If this review has made you even remotely curious, I know you'll have a good time, too. Taken at face value, this cheap flick is pretty entertaining. If you are a fan of stuff like the Evil Dead movies or Hellraiser, I would recommend you check it out.

(1990) Directed by Charles Philip Moore

Facts about myself:
I have an extreme revulsion to human vomit; not so much to demon vomit, though.

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